What Are The Side Effects Of Gabapentin On Children

If your child suffers from epilepsy or some kinds of neuropathic conditions, you're physician may have mentioned using the drug Gabapentin (also known as Neurontin). This drug was approved by the Food & Drug Administration back in the mid 1990s.

Gabapentin (ie. Neurontin) got its approval from the FDA as a treatment for partial seizures ensured by epileptics. Currently, it is being prescribed for a number of other ailments including: migraine headaches, peripheral neuropathy (pain in the hands and feet), insomnia, depression, bipolar disorder, and a number of other neuropathic and mental disorders.

What Are The Side Effects Of Gabapentin (Neurontin) On Children That You Should Be Aware Of?

If your child is taking Gabapentin and shows any of the following side effects, get them to a doctor immediately. This drug works directly on the nervous system, and can be extremely harmful if the child is allergic to it.

Side Effects To Watch For:

1. Loss of memory or blackouts.
2. Aggressive behavior.
3. Moodiness.
4. Hard time concentrating.
5. Hyperactivity and restlessness.
6. Overly emotional
7. Dizziness and nausea (possibly vomiting).
8. Double or blurry vision.
9. Behaviorial problems.
10. Drowsiness.

Obviously children will display all of these symptoms at some point even if they weren't be given gabapentin. Just be aware of changes that either last longer than it should, or goes totally against your child's normal personality. So if your son or daughter is usually pretty timid and quiet, but has been shouting and fighting over the past week, that might indicate something more than just the typical child tantrum.

When it comes to the side effects of gabapentin (Neurontin) on your children, it's always better to be safe than sorry. If you have any concerns at all, be sure to call your doctor.